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Archive for มิถุนายน, 2010


ทดสอบระบบการเล่น VDO ดู

บางแสนเล่นสงกรานต์สาดน้ำ:Thai skimboard

วันนี้ได้ชมข่าวที่มีการเล่นน้ำเลยเอามาฝาก ว่าการเล่นน้ำนั้นมันส์จริงๆ มีการแข่งขัน Thai skimboard กันอย่างสนุกสนาน



Inside China factory hit by suicides

Young workers move quickly from modern, clean dormitories to huge mess halls and then to their jobs on the assembly lines, making everything from Apple’s iPad and iPhone, to Dell computers, and products for Hewlett Packard and Sony.

More than 300,000 people sleep, eat and work here. There are three hospitals, a fire station, supermarkets and restaurants all crammed on less than a square mile (2.3 square kilometers.)

But something here is not right — an alarming number of workers have taken their lives or attempted suicide. So far this year, 10 people have committed suicide, while three others have tried, according to Foxconn, a Taiwanese firm and local authorities, and no one knows why.

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Seventh heaven World Film Festival of Bangkok now showing!

World Film Festival Thai flick “Mundane History” opens the World Film Festival, which runs from November 6-15.
The 7th World Film Festival of Bangkok, dubbed “Film Lover’s Heaven,” opens Friday at Paragon Cineplex. Right about now you might be asking: “Didn’t we just have an international film festival back in September?”

True, but this one’s different. Featuring over 100 non-mainstream movies lumped into nine different categories like “Asian Contemporary,” “Doc Feast,” and “Guts Nouveau,” the World Film Festival features an awesome selection of some of the year’s best indie films and thought-provoking documentaries from around the globe.

That’s a big line-up of films for a festival that only runs from November 6 to 15, so The Nation has published a list of 10 films the festival programmer doesn’t want to miss. Film blogger Wise Kwai also has a great summary of the festival highlights on his site.

But there really is something for everybody, from a documentary on the “Roots of Reggae” to Portuguese drama “To Die Like a Man,” about a veteran transsexual star in Lisbon’s drag shows.

The film festival site allows viewers to search according to section or date and offers full details on every single film being shown. Or, click here to download the full sked.

Thai film “Jao Nok Krajok” (Mundane History), coming off a successful run through several world film festivals, will open the World Film Festival of Bangkok Friday night.

Read more: 7th World Film Festival of Bangkok | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/play/7th-world-film-festival-bangkok-now-showing-053009#ixzz0pmQUQgvQ

Celebrating Thailand’s stinkiest fruit: The durian

The World Durian Festival kicks off in Chanthaburi this weekend, and one Bangkok hotel has devoted a whole month to the smelly fruit

Read more: World Durian Festival | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/play/celebrating-thailands-stinkiest-fruit-durian-385877#ixzz0pmOt07e5

Thailand’s stinkest event of the year begins this Saturday: the World Durian Festival. The nine-day celebration of this popular Thai fruit will take place in Chanthaburi, about 245 kilometers east of Bangkok, from May 1-9.

It’s no secret durian is an acquired taste. Though the durian is arguably the world’s smelliest fruit, loathed by many, its fans claim that if you can get past its strong odor, a creamy, delectable party on the taste buds awaits.

In spite of the name, there’s more to the World Durian Festival than just durian. The region is famous for its fruit so expect plenty of tasty fruits for sale as well as local OTOP products, fruit decoration displays, a processed product contest and a jewelry and accessories fair.